There’s treasure in Jexico


I wonder if it is wrong for my 6-year old daughter to really like the “Pirates of the Carribean” movies?  I mean, they aren’t too bad, right?  Once Isaac sees anything, it isn’t long before Abigail does too.  Yeah, she’s seen them and she loves them!

Abigail’s class did a section on oceans recently in class so she has been fascinated by oceans and ocean life, islands and palm trees and coral reefs.  Actually, when I think of it, I could stay there in my imagination forever too.  Anyhow, she joined her interests in “Pirates” with islands and started working on a treasure map.  She name her mysterious island Jexico.  Emily and I had nothing to do with the naming but we surely got a laugh out of this toothless dinosaur shaped paradise.  Actually, it made us think of the James Taylor song ” Mexico” (below for your pleasure)

We saw James Taylor in concert in Nashville when we were first married.  Neither of us have ever been involved in drugs, but that night at the concert, we both surely must have gotten high.  There was weed aplenty at the concert but apparently a real shortage of rolling papers.  Ahhh…good times!

Anyhow, Abigail is releasing a series of maps to her friends.  One map in particular…her best work…is being reserved for Aunt Elizabeth (you know, Elizabeth Swann from the movie) so she can find the treasure and remain unbeholden to any man.  Abigail is watching out for her girls of course!  I am sort of proud of her for skipping the whole damsel in distress stuff and going straight for the treasure.  Maybe my girl is related to Elizabeth Swann somehow!

11 thoughts on “There’s treasure in Jexico

  1. She’s had lots of practice hiding my keys, purse, and other items over the years. I don’t mind her hiding them – I do have a problem with her forgetting where she hid them. Maybe she should draw maps more often!

  2. My father would have said of your James Taylor experience, “Well, how do you know what pot smells like?!”

    Congrats on Abigail for taking the high road straight to the treasure. You go, Abby!

    ceecee’s last blog post..Which Is It?

  3. I was told pot smells like burning sage, and wow, it sure smelled like that… yeah, that’s it!

    One of my fave James Taylor songs, thanks for posting it 🙂

  4. Ahh, Jexico… our Kiddo was very much into pirates at one point too. Now, she’s catching frogs. Sure is fun to share their growing years and changing interests.


    Ron’s last blog post..Skunked

  5. Kris – she always says she “can’t live without pink” but she’s not girly aside from that…thanks goodness!

    Emily – you need to draw maps too! Queen of lost things!

    Natalie & Capri Kel – the weather is always perfect…sounds great to me too!

    d.a. – yeah…that’s what I heard too…good thing we have friends who know!

    Ron – it is a bunch of fun! Of course, I am envious of your huge frog pond! Kiddo will have tons of fun!

  6. Pirates rock! Mayla and I are making a card for her teachers where we take their pictures and make them look like pirates. Mayla helpfully cut out several guns from a scrapbooking page to glue into their hands (I had to tell her we can’t use them as the school has a no gun rule!). I love the maps! And the fact that they will be gifts!

    Lynnie’s last blog post..Getting Stuff in the Ground

  7. Abigail is such an artist…she’d do maps all day long if we’d let her. I dig the pirate stuff too though…it’s so much fun!

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