Fall Soccer

Isaac defending

The kids have participated in soccer for the last few years and here we are, better than half way done with another season.  I am the coach for Isaac’s team and an assistant for Abigail’s team so they are stuck with me.

Abigail defending

Anyhow, both kids are pretty good and seem to really enjoy playing.  I sort of dig being involved with the team as well.

Isaac playing soccer

Abigail has strep throat (it started this weekend…we went to the doc this morning) so did not play on Saturday.

Abigail playing

These pics are from last week’s game.  I played in high school, but I don’t think I ever had as much fun as the kids are having this year! Isaac’s age group is the first to have goalies and to use refs. I really enjoy having the refs run the game. Mostly the refs are 9th(?) graders but they are very professional and really great.

Abigail playing soccer

Coaches still run Abigail’s age group which its own sort of fun…just like herding cats! Either way, the most important part of the game is snack time at the end! I remember playing baseball as a kid. I mostly did not enjoy baseball but I absolutely loved riding in the back of someone’s pickup truck, hair (when I still had some) blowing in the breeze on the way to the tastee-freeze. I still love a good twist ice cream cone!

We don’t ride in the back of trucks anymore but snack time is just as big a deal!

9 thoughts on “Fall Soccer

  1. Your kids a cute! I wish my kiddos played soccer (I use to), it is my favorite sport. As painful as it might be I will not pressure them to do what they do not want to.

  2. I like soccer quite a bit too but I would not pressure them either. It just isn’t worth it. I pressure the kids to do homework but that’s about it. It’s not fun when it stops being fun.

    I am so glad that my groups of parents still view soccer as fun and not a blood sport. They do have a lot of fun even when the kids are losing. It’s a blast to watch how it all goes down!

  3. Nice photos of kids having fun! It is always nice to hear that parents are getting along on the sidelines! They deserve some mead…

  4. Great looking shed/man cave you got there. I am a WV boy myself, grew up in Mingo County, in Gilbert. I smoetimes mis the mountians this time of year. Great looking place you have there.


  5. Chris…I know a guy from Gilbert…I won’t hold your origin against you! The mountains are just about to get really pretty. I’d say another week or two and things are going to be amazing!

  6. At one time I knew everyone around the place. Chances are I know your guy too. Want to drop a name. lol I bet you know of Buck Harless?

  7. I know of Buck Harless…I didn’t know he was from Gilbert though. Interesting. I know a Hinkle from Gilbert. I think his family is all from the area. Funny guy!

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